Digital Communication Projects
Get Ahead in your Final Year by Doing Communication Projects
September 11, 2019
Embedded In Automobile
Role of Embedded System Projects in Automobile Sector
September 25, 2019
Digital Communication Projects
Get Ahead in your Final Year by Doing Communication Projects
September 11, 2019
Embedded In Automobile
Role of Embedded System Projects in Automobile Sector
September 25, 2019

Why Java for Android: Generally, Android phones run on Linux OS. In fact, Java safeguard the native code from memory leaks and each platform in the java language is used to compile for several functions in the Android Projects. Applications are developed using the various programming languages such as Java, C, C++, Python, and HTML etc. There are many tools that are used for the mobile development such as dry run, slide code highlighter, takt, android debug database, find bugs and so on. However, these tools are take care of the several functions in the mobile development. Let us know why Java is well suitable for android application?

Java and Android Development is Similar

Most android applications consist of Android API. As a matter of fact, Java API and Android API look like the same. Android development is very easy as like java development. In fact, it is easy to edit, configure, use high memory performance and support media files in different formats in the open source android projects development.

Java FX and Java ME - Used for the Android App Development

In Java, there are various platforms such as Java SE, Java ME, Java EE, and Java FX. Java SE consists of API, development tools, virtual machine, deployment technologies and it is used to develop applets. Applets run the program within the web browser. As well as, Java EE is about enterprise solutions and it is used for the server based programs that use servlet API. Java FX is for the desktop application and finally, Java ME is for mobile applications. Therefore, the different types of platform help to enhance the Web Application Projects, desktop application, server application and also the mobile application. Let us see about Java ME and also the latest version of Java FX used for the mobile development.

New In Java FX 1.0 Platform

Syntax in the Java FX

As a matter of fact, the interface for the Java and Java ME is well-suitable for the computing environment and the user interface. The user interface is the command line in the Java language. The new GUI in Java improves the user experience and renders creative ideas to the designer tools. Java FX supports the display in the runtime for the desktop, mobile and also TV screens. As well as, it has common elements for both the mobile application and the desktop application. The syntax of Java and the Java FX are different.

Advantages of Java Language

There are some advantages of using java language such as

  • If Java Virtual Machine is installed on the device, then the security is enhanced
  • It has excellent multi-functional Integrated Development Environment
  • Java is an object-oriented program. It is very easy to reuse the code
  • It is robust and statistically built language. As well as, it is easy to track the error in Java
  • Java is multi-threaded and it can perform the multi-task. Therefore, Java is well- suitable for the high-level programs


In the final analysis, Android Operating System is Linux kernel. Basically, it is written in the C language. That's why java is used for android application. Therefore, using Java language for the android app development is suggested a method by the Java community. At the same time, the Linux OS handles the memory management and the networking required for the device.

What language is used for Android app development?
The best language for Android app development is Java. In fact, Android are written in Java and its APIs are designed to be known as primarily from Java.
Which platform is highly suitable for mobile application development?
  • Appy Pie
  • AppMachine
  • GameSalad
  • BiznessApps
  • Mobile Roadie etc
Which platform is good for Android App Development?
  • Corona SDK
  • PhoneGap
  • Appcelerator
  • B4X
  • JQuery Mobile
  • Xamarin etc

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