Top 10 Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

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Top 10 Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum

The bitcoin and Ethereum offers anonymous transaction that is much helpful for transferring money. The centralized body is used to control the bitcoin and Ethereum. Even though the bitcoin and Ethereum are cryptocurrencies, it differs from each other in the several parameters. To point out, bitcoin is a purely digital currency, and Ethereum is the blockchain technology. To mention, these two are the demanding cryptocurrencies that play a vital role nowadays. There are the limited number of bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies, and this is the reason behind the demand of cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin Vs Ethereum

There are the numerous dissimilarities of parameters and functionalities in Ethereum and bitcoin. Here are the top 10 differences between bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Ethereum
1 Bitcoin was launched in 2009. Ethereum was launched in 2015.
2 Bitcoin is a digital currency. Ethereum is a blockchain technology.
3 It is highly liquid that converts bitcoin into cash. This is highly liquid, and its trading volume increases rapidly day by day.
4 Bitcoin creates 12.5 new bitcoins for every 10 seconds. Ethereum creates three new ether in 15 seconds.
5 Bitcoin has scripting language. Ethereum has general purpose language.
6 Transactions based on their size. Transaction based on the blockchain storage.
7 This has limited size (1MB). Ethereum blocks are capped by the gas limit.
8 Hashing algorithm performed with hardware components. Hashing algorithm performed by the memory.
9 Bitcoin is limited to 21 million bitcoin. Currently there are 100 million others.
10 It takes minutes to complete the transaction. It takes seconds to complete the transaction.

Which has Better Technology?

Usually, the technologies which release on the recent days is considered as an emerging technology. In that way, bitcoin was released in 2009, whereas Ethereum was released in 2015. Therefore, Ethereum has well-developed technologies while in comparison with the bitcoin technologies. Additionally, the Ethereum’s blockchain technology is much exclusive than bitcoin’s blockchain technology. The fee for the transaction in ethereum is cheaper than the bitcoin transaction fee.

Even though, the ethereum has a cheap transaction fee, it is much fast in the process than bitcoin. Because of these following functionalities and processes, we can get a solution that, ethereum technologies are much better than bitcoin technology. To mention, this better thing is detected only through the technology parameter that do not include the entire process.

Which is Better?

To mention, there are similar benefits in using bitcoin as well as the ethereum. The ethereum has best use cases than bitcoin. Additionally, it serves for a bigger purpose while in comparison with the bitcoin cryptocurrency technology.

Usually, bitcoin has limited coin supply, and it is more liquid than ethereum. Whereas ethereum has better technology and provides more use of coins. To point out, ethereum is also the best alternative for the bitcoin, because this cryptocurrency undergoes various newer technologies and protocols. Also, it does not mean that the ethereum is always better, it is little better in technologies than bitcoin. As a result, both the cryptocurrencies have equivalent benefits to use.

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